Science Communication
Cooley, K. M., Fewings, M. R., Lerczak, J. A., O’Neill, L. W., & Brown, K. S. (2022). Role of sea surface physical processes in mixed-layer temperature changes during summer marine heat waves in the Chile-Peru Current System. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2021JC018338.
Presentations and Posters
K. Cooley, M. Fewings, J. Lerczak, L. O'Neill, K. Brown. "Role of sea surface physical processes in mixed-layer temperature changes during summer marine heat waves in the Chile-Peru Current System," Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022, Virtual, February 24-March 4, 2022.
K. Cooley, M.R. Fewings, J. Lerczak. "Marine heat waves in the Chile-Peru Eastern Boundary Upwelling System: Rates of change in sea-surface temperature anomalies near a major upwelling center," 2021 Internations Ocean Vector Winds Science Team Meeting, Virtual, February 24, March 3, and March 10, 2021. [Poster].